Wednesday 13 October 2010


Inspired by a poem about Peru in our set text, and embarrassed by the crap second poem that I submitted to my tute group for workshopping (never to be shown here, that's for sure), I wrote most of this on my iPhone on the way to work. Then I played around with it while oh-so-busy at work (WINK) and here is my poem on Chile. To be honest I wanted to write about Peru or Argentina but I'm pretty happy with this effort and maybe I can still do Peru and Argentina and put it together in a suite. I should probably follow the same format then shouldn't I. Food for thought re: impending portfolio...

The carefree end of our intrepid quest
where we played Where on Earth is Carmen Santiago
We wandered the urban sprawl
wary of pickpockets
and a depleted travel fund

The Colonel was the same in this city
where they are half a million strong
We settled into our final low-fund loft
Nicanor Parra covered the reception walls
and Nico covered the reception phone

The Cerro San Cristobal
where the funicular jostled us sky high
We watched as coloured cable cars
swayed at the Virgin's feet
and thrilled mini Santiaguinos

The Chilean clubbing scene
where I helped crown the prince
We slurred our silly Spanglish
I'll take you to the Atacama, he promised,
and marry you under the stars

The cursed journey home
where fourteen felt like forty
We smuggled in the dulce de leche
We bid each other goodbye
and promised we'd do it again

At work, I wasn't too happy with my final two lines, though I still can't think of a better alternative. Then on the bus ride home I did a bit of a read-through and felt that in my first line I said the end was carefree, but then go on the describe how I'm worried about crime and a lack of money. Hmm. Suggestions? I'd like to stick with a /k/-sounding C...